Friday, September 17, 2010

Finally saturday! 18/9/10

Well, ill start where i left off,
I wasn't feeling right all day on thursday so mum took me down to the hospital rather than waiting for my doctors appointment, 2 and a half hours of sitting in the waiting room with magazines from may 2001 i finally got seen! luckly the doctor who was on call happened to be my obsterician so i told her what had been happening and she said it seems to be  my 'show'! so im hoping beanie holds out for a while! Kieran worked all ady still busy busy so he stayed out home and a stayed in town again on my own :( couldn't wait to get home and see him! Friday was a great day, Me and Bec went to albany for the day, we bought everything we needed for the baby shower and went out for lunch at Cossies, I also got Kierans anniversary present which he will love! (I hope) I cane home last night to spend the night with Kieran which was great :) but the house is a pig sty! and we had nothing to eat for dinner so we cooked up bacon and ate that! We fell asleep nlate but i woke up at 2 and couldnt manage to get back to sleep so me and kitten had a snuggle and a play until morning, Kieran has gone now to chop wood which he has alot to do and i caught up on some sleep. now to prepare for the baby shower!

My tummy when it first started to show at 13 weeks

My tummy now at 32 weeks!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Eventful day

well whats been happening with us? We had a minor hickup with beaine which has turned out to be nothing to worry about, although i have decided to stay in town at mum and dads to be on the safe side as we are closer to the hospital if need be, I can't believe its only 8 weeks until she is due! I have a check up today in Mount Barker so i will let you know how that goes. Kieran is working in Franklin so he is staying out at home to be closer to work, i hate not being with him but it saves him getting up alot earlier! He has been rousing for the last 2 days which he isn't to impressed with but he will srart pressing at the next shed hopefully at the start of next week. Yesterday i went to Albany with Bec, one of my friends to catch up with a few girls down there for coffee which was lovely, but as we decided to head home (Luckly still in Albany) we cracked the heater hose in the car and nearly blew up the motor! one of the girls who we had gone to see's partner is a mechanic so he messed around with it and managed to get us home, by then it was 8.00pm. I couldn't sleep so i stayed up organising Kierans anniversary present for next week, i hope he likes it! and also getting all th details sorted for my baby shower which is this sunday.
Well thats about all for now
xxx Courtney Beanie and Kieran

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lazy Monday 13/9/10

Today has been a very lazy one! Kieran still isnt feeling 100 % so we chucked some matresses in the lounge room and watched TV all night, woke up late and stayed in bed all morning! i am taking advantage of all the sleep i can before the baby, speaking of Beanie. she has been wiggling all the time! she is eager to come out and meet us! not long now, only 8 weeks and 5 days until im due! I Have work tomorro so we are staying in town with mum and dad tonight, Kieran will have tomorro off to just relax and get better so he will get over it quicker! Taken some pictures of my tummy today so will put them up tomorrow when i get the camera,
Hmm well that seems to be all i can think of.
xoxo Courtney Beanie and Kieran

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blog beginnings 11/9/2010

I have decisded to start a blog all about me and my on coming family!
Well first of all th beanie in my tummy is 31 weeks today and growing bigger (and heavier) each day! my tummy is getting in the way of everything but i love it :) its getting hard to get comfortable sleeping but once i get there im fine. Kieran is going not so well, had to take him to the hospital as he has a bad flu and has spent the whole day in bed, hopefully a good sleep and some medicine will keep him feeling well! other than the flu he has been working for the last week crutching which he is enjoying and doing well at, the team starts shearing within the next week so he will start pressing, I have been working a few days a week at the news agency with mum and dad so thats been giving me something to do!
Well that seems to be all thats happened lately worth writing! will keep you posted
xox Courtney, Beanie and Kieran