Well I went to the hospital at Lunchtime on Friday, she checked my blood pressure and the normal stuff like that. She then tried to do a membrane sweep, but I haven't dialated at all so she couldn't. But good news is she has turned around so she isn't lying prosterior, yay for no more back aches and a less painful labour! it was funny coz the other night I had a real back ache and I could feel her moving alot, Doc said I probably felt her turning around :) she also said her head is NEARLY engaged, as it bloody should be by now!
After the appointment she told me I had to go to Albany hospital for a CTG scan, which just involved getting a few bands around my tummy that monitored her heart rate and movement over a 45 minute period, just to make sure she is doing ok spending extra week in my tummy, If the results came back that she was stressed or something wasn't right, they would make the decision to get her out sooner. So I rang Kieran and he got off work at 3, took forever to get home, then my car wouldn't work! (Great the last thing we need, an unreliable car with a baby!) so thats more money on the stupid thing we need to spend! so he walked to the shop and got mum and dads car, by the time we got to albany it was 6:00 but the midwife was lovely and put us in a room to get checked. it was scary watching her heart and my contractions (most likely braxton hicks as i haven't felt anything) we freaked out everytime her heart would go to fast or to slow but they assured us that is what they wanted to see, she is perfectly happy and healthy in there! so good to hear :) then off home, well to mum and dads, then dad took Kieran out to home at 4:30 this morning so he could get his ute and get to work!
I am booked in to be induced on Tuesday now rather than Monday as they were booked out, I guess this is a good thing as it gives me more time to come into labour naturally before actually being induced, but it could also mean nothing will happen and I have to wait the extra day! so we are going to go out tonight and have a nice weekend together as just us, before we are officially a family! (unless she decides to come before, she probably will now we have made plans!) then Kieran will work monday and a run on tuesday, then we will go to Albany, have a nice lunch together then off to the hospital, Doc said that if she puts the gel on to induce me at about lunch time, chances are the baby will be here wednesday some time, she said its not too common to have her the day I get induced, especially being my first baby, so she said she will induce me, give me a sleeping pill and let me get a good night's sleep in preperation of the next 24 hours!
Well thats about everything that is happening, Will let you know if anything happens in the meantime!
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran
13 weeks I was so excited! " Oh my god Kieran get pictures of how big it is!"
17 weeks, thr first time someone I didn't know, felt comfortable to ask about my pregnancy, I was so excited! "She could tell im pregnant!"
24 weeks "Im so fat! i swear she can't grow anymore?!"
HAHAHAHA if only I knew then....
32 weeks, again, thinking surely this is it? I won't get any bigger. Wrong, again.
37 weeks, Feeling huge, this was about the time I got sick of being pregnant and
wanted her out already!
40 weeks and 3 days, thinking, Hoping more to the point, that this would be my last picture!
40 weeks and 6 days! (Yesterday) again hoping this will be my last picture, I still am, If not there will be 1 more just before i get induced then no more big tummy!... well not one with a baby in it anyway!