Thursday, March 17, 2011

Busy day

What a busy day today has turned out to be!

Woken up at 4:45 this morning by Kieran to make his lunch, he got to feed Olivia this morning so they were both happy to spend time with eachother before he had to leave to work, me and Olivia went back to bed until 9 then My brother messaged and we decided to go to Albany, I finally got Kierans present! but wont post what it is incase he reads this! (Which I doubt will happen!) and Josh got some stuff, we came back to town and Olivia had a play at uncle Joshes house which was very fun, we then went to town to pick up some stuff, then cleaning the house! we are very excited to be going to Perth this weekend to see the family! Olivias first big trip, Hopefully she takes it well. hmm yesterday was terrible I tried to make pasta added all the ingredience and had no milk!- pasta for breakfast that is, we had no food in the house! then I wanted a coffee stupid me made it all and again no milk. then I got a phone call from a friend saying her brother had passed away the night before. so we went out for lunch to get her mind off it, Olivia was a big help with her beautiful smile :) The puppies are terrible. they destroy everything bark at ridiculous hours of the morning dig in my garden! time to find a home for the little one.

Well thats all I can think of to write about, but Ill post some pics!
xxx Courtney Olivia and Kieran

                                           Olivia with Kelvin at the lake when she was little1

My New horse Buck

Monday, March 14, 2011

bloggy wogg!

So Albany was lovely no baby to be heard of from lana! hopefully soon though im very excited for Olivia to have a little friend! the weather was wonderful and breakfast at Dome was lovely, I didnt end up getting kierans present because I got to Mount Barker and realized he had my bank card! so another trip to Albany is on the cards for tomorrow... If i can be bothered! Olivia got some new winter warmies from target which im sure she will love! so much cute stuff i cant want for a cold day to dress her in them! poor bub is a bit sick at the moment with a cold but all snuggled up in bed now sound asleep :) Kieran only has a few days left at this shed he is at then he finishes up there then ends the season in April.

Hmmm not much else worth writing about so I'll leave it at that!

xxx Courtney Olivia and Kieran

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Full of questions!

So here I am keeping to my word about blogging all the time! but its only 7:13 in the morning, and so far a beautiful day! so I am off to Albany in 47 minutes to have breakfast with Lana as she is due to have her babyTOMORROW! but seems to be going in Olivias form of making her wait, fingers crossed she might go into labour today! anyway back on track- Going to albany, the weather is beautuful but for how long? no doubt we will plan for the beach, dress for summer then by 11:00 it will come over awful so I am in a pickle. I think I will pack me and Olivia a few outfits each! and charging to camera is going to happen before I leave lots of photos to take today!

Now more importantly I have a bit of a delemma- I would love to get an Iphone but they are expensive! but the phone I have now is a cheap version of an Iphone but its shit, so should I pay more and get good quality or should i cheap out and get shit again??

Second dilema- ( How can someone have so many dilemas by 7:19 in the morning!?) Kierans birthday is coming up and I have no clue what to get him! boys are so difficult to buy for! especially him because if he wants something he will just get it himself so i cant pick up little cues that he has said
Kieran: I want a new spot light 
Me: ( Sub concioulsy) yay something i can get him!
Kieran: (2 days later) I grabbed a spotlight this afternoon.

see??! this is why i have this problem every time there is a present buying date coming up! well maybe i will just have to be inventive and find som,ething he wants but doesnt know he wants?

Its now 7:27 and I am suppose to be ready and gone by 8 and im still in bed so now i have rambled shit for a good 15 minutes i better be off!

xxx Courtney Olivia and Kieran

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wonderful weekend!

So I have remebered to blog again! yay!

After the debate of either the rodeo or bremmer bay we chose walpol... a new idea, which turned out to be a brilliant one at that! we got to our villas where kieran had booked and they were amazing! big 2 story villa with a spa a balcony plazma tv, all right by a beautiful inlet on our left and a little pub to the right, we had a spa then went out for dinner at the pub which had lovely big meals, We then went to the jetty on the inlet with our rods for some fishing but didnt get a single bite! Went home after a while and watched a movie then off to bed.

This morning we woke early grabed breaky at a cute little bakery then headed to Peaceful bay to fish in the inlet there, we could see heaps of king george whiting coming up and biting at the bate but again no fish! after that driving us mad for a few hours we gave up and went to denmark,  we stopped at the toffee factory and got some delicious gormet salad dressings that they make and kieran got an ice cream, then we called into greens pool and it was beautiful! such nice weather but the water was freezing so I only went in up to my knees! we then left for Mount Barker to get Olivia from mum and dads, she had a sleep over there last night, It was good to see her we missed her alot!

Now our little holiday is over and we are home... Just wish I remebered the camera so I could of posted some pictures!

xxx Courtney, Olivia and Kieran!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Finally back!

Wow! been so long since i have been blogging! and alot has happened since, as you can imagin! Claire and Tianna came for a visit, Kieran and his friends going out all night fox shooting, so so much car trouble. a friend about to have her baby any day now and a house full of puppies! but i'll just fill you in on the main stuff for now!

Well Olivia is growing and learning more and more every day, she is laughing, playing in her jolly jumper, fitting in 00 clothing! so big now!! she sleeps in her cot in her own room, sleeps through the whole night from 6:30 to 6 in the morning which is so good but not having her in our room now means i get up every 5 mionutes to check her! Yesterday we had a little moddling session! a friends mum works for a family and parenting company and they needed new people for the pamphlet so me and Olivia were the ones! hmm what else is new with her?? we are going to start swimming lessons at the heated pool in Albany which i can imagin she will love if she likes it anywhere as much as she loves baths!

Kieran is working at an 8 stand shed in Frankland which is keeping them all pretty busy they should finish there on wednesday ot thursday. He has had a flat tire for 2 days so I have been taking him to work and picking him up so lots of driving for me and Olivia!

Plans for tonight are pretty undecided but should be amazing either way! we might go to Wagin for the Wollorama to watch the rodeo with some friends or me and kieran are going to go to Bremmer bay to go fishing :) Mum and dad are going to watch Olivia for the night so we can have a night off what ever we decide to do

Sooo with those plans to get organised for I better get going!
Promis to keep blogging!
xxx Courtney, Olivia and Kieran

Me and Olivia Yesterday!

Pretty proud of herself in a washing basket!

Chilling at the lake with her hat on!