Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The first day of summer has arived in typical Mount Barker way- Cold and raining... But thats ok, we have had very hot days for the last few days, good to get out of the heat. It is so amazing to be home! we have had my Brother Justin, his wife Janelle and my little niece Izzy stay for the last 3 days, they just left back to Bunbury. Janelle is amazing with a camera and does such good work with photography so we set up some scenes and took pictures of Olivia, I snuck a picture on my phone but cant wait to see how her ones turn out! We are going to take Olivia to the shops today which is very exciting! but maybe a stop off at the hospital as well as her Jaundice hasn't settled down yet and im starting to worry about it. Kieran has had to put his ute on the tow truck and off to Albany as it blew a hole in the muffler and sounds like a truck! so he is there at the moment, waitng for a loan car. I was starting to struggle feeding, with the pain and was begining to consider feeding formula if it didnt settle down as i was starting to really dread feed time, but i remebered we got a breast pump and I have started using that which has made me so much happier because neitehr of us wanted her on formula but i just couldnt stand the pain all the time, so now we are both happy! she gets real milk and i get happy boobs! Paul, Claire and Tianna are coming to stay this weekend which we are really looking forward to! will be great for them to meet Olivia :)
Hmm well thats about all that has been happening around here!
xxx Courtney, Olivia and Kieran

Here are the pictures i took on my phone, Can't wait to see the real ones! 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Olivia rose- 4 days old already!

Well i cant believe in 40 minutes our baby girl will be exactly 4 days old! the time has flown by, she is more and more beautiful every minute of it! she is going so well, she feeds amazingly and sleeps like a...baby? lol a good baby! her jaundice has cleared up pretty well and the wound on her head has healed itself nicely. my poor tummy is healing well too, but I still look pregnant! very devostating :( I get to go home tomorrow yay! I can't wait and Kieran is so excited to get us home I think he is tired of the hosptial! not that he can complain he isnt the one stuck here! I hate it when he leaves us I wish he would stay but he has a better nights' sleep at home,
Well thats about all for today, not a great deal to talk about happening in a hospital!
I'll be writing from home soon enough!
xxx Courtney, Olivia and Kieran

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 2...or 3...or something?!

So its the 27th, my baby girl is 3 days old today! although it feels like its been 1 continuous day having only about 10 hours sleep since Tuesday! she is getting more and more beautiful every day! not alot significant has happened, well not for you to read about anyway! but exciting things for us at the moment are that she passed her hearing test with flying colours, she is a big greedy guts and feeds really well, I am able to move around well, and can do almost everything without help now, I have my drip and cathiter out and she normally sleeps well, not so good, she has jaundice but not to a point where she needs treatment, My milk is coming in so my boobs have grown about 20 cup sizes in 5 minutes and the new milk upsets her tummy so it takes longer to settle her now, I had to hlod her while she got her guthery test which was sad it really upset her, this has all been hard as Kieran worked all day yesterday and went out to celebrate last night then went fishing this morning which was a bit selfish coz i could really do with the help, but i have been pushing along on my own, I think I over did things yesterday and my wound is making me pay for it today! Mum, dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Nan, Grandad, Josh, Bec and Chloe are all coming to visit today so we have a big afternoon ahead of us, im gonna make the most of the quiet morning and hope Kieran gets here before then to spend a bit of family time with her. Well thats about it for us, I'll put up pics!!
xxx Courtney, Olivia and Kieran
 Our beautiful Olivia rose at 1 day old having a cuddle with her mummy, she is such a big girl!

Olivia cuddling with daddy, only a few hours old, poor boy looks exhausted! not that he can complain he did the easy bit!

 Our little princess staring at her dad :) she is so perfect!

Cheeky little girl poking her tongue out for a photo to send her daddy while at work, this is what she thinks of him leaving her!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Welcome to the world Olivia Rose xxx

I should be sleeping but I think im still on a high, Our baby girl finally arrived and it was an experience to say the least! Im not to keen to tell the whole story yet as it was a bit traumatic, but from getting my waters broken at 8:30 am on the 24th of November, getting to 4 cm with the shower and gas and air, asking for the eppidural, having that only half work... more gas and air, Lots of pushing, emergency c section baby born at 6:41pm, something goes wrong when sewing back up, I finally meet my baby an hour later, she was in the good hands of her father who was so amazing through the whole ordeal, The look on his face when he held her makes my heart melt they adore eachother, she lays there staring at him while he stares straight back, love at first sight! i think she may be a daddys girl! she is so beautiful, so big! she weighed 8 pound 9 ounces at birth and 51cm long, Named Olivia Rose Allison, We have both bonded really well with her over the past 24 hours she hardly cries, settles very quickly, feeds well and puts up with everyone having a cuddle, she is perfect.

Well im gonna make the most of her sleep, I will fill you in and lots of photos soon as!
xxx Courtney Olivia and Kieran

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In the Hospital 24/11/2010

I'm writing from the hospital, its 6:45am on the 23rd! I cant sleep, my morphine hasnt worn off yet and Im waiting for the doctor so i guess I'll use this time to fill in the details before i forget! Yesterday went well, to start with anyway! I arived at the hospital about 12, after going out for lunch with Kieran which was lovely, I went on a monitor for about 20 mins then my doctor gave me an examination, I was 1 and a half cm dialated, yay/! so she put the gel in and things kicked off pretty soon after! By about 6 I was having mild contractions, lasting around 40 seconds, soon after becoming 50 seconds with only around 2 to 3  minutes inbetween, quite painful but Kieran was great, he made sure i focused on other things and reasured me when i got my worst, Knowing he wouldtn't sleep properly here with me I told him to go to the unit and get a good nights rest for today, he had his phone so I could get him whenever i needed, he didnt argue that, knowing hospitals freak him out i dont think he was to keen on sleeping the night anyway! By 12 the pain was very full on so my midwife (who was amazing) decided to get the IV bung in my hand and get me to the labour room, the drip was awful, Im not normally bothered by needles, but after 3 attempts the veins in my hand just kept popping! so by the time the 4th one finally worked i was feeling a bit squeemish about it! not to mention my poor pin cushion hands! so I was excited to find out how far along i was, Only to have it hit me hard that I hadn't progressed any furthur than when we had first arived at the hospital that lunch time. I was devostated, knowing i had gone through all that pain for nothing, I hada little cry :( so she decided to give me a shot of morphine (More needles!) which worked wonders, by then it was 1 oclock, I cam back to my room and slept like a log for 4 and a half hours! This morning they checked my tummy and her head still hasnt even engaged yet, so Kim my doctor is coming at about 7 30 and we will see where it goes from there, My contractions have stated up a little again but I jsut cant wait to meet our girl!
No doubt this will be the last time I write with the beanie still in my tummy because once this morphine wears off the last thing i want is a computer! So bump in my tummy says goodbye to everyone and that she cant wait to meet you all properly!
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Excited!- My last post pregnant!

It's 6:30 in the morning so I can't really talk about my day so far! I can't sleep, the tv has broken and it's raining so I'll write my blog :) Well I better start where I left off, the cramps are still there, but are so mild I think it might just be her finally dropping into my pelvis, I had one big one that I was so sure going to be the start of proper labour, but after that nothing! kind of frustrating but i know no matter what I will have her by Wednesday. 

I am so unbelievably excited for tomorrow! It's so close we get our little girl finally! even tho she made us wait 11 days longer! I think this means she is getting her naughtys out the way while she is still in my tummy and she will be a good girl for the rest of her life!... well I hope so anyway! hehe. So I'm a bit nervous, but very ready, I just cant believe it's Tomorrow, I never thought this day would actually come! I have been pregnant pretty much all year and it feels strange to know that I'm not going to be very very VERY soon!

Well what happened yesterday? We went home and Kieran mowed the lawn, I was planning to do the last little load of washing and the house would be spotless... Wrong. The Kitchen and laundry windows had been left open and the house was covered from top to bottom with moths! mostly all dead but the amount was crazy! so we had to clean the whole house again! we came back to town and didn't do a great deal, went to bed pretty early but i just couldn't sleep! so today's plans are to get a million magazines to take to the hospital, do all our washing we will need for the next few nights, Kieran is working but only for 3 runs as it has rained all night and all morning so he will have wet sheep, Head to Albany for the night, maybe have a nice dinner and movies on the couch =] then Tomorrow Kieran gets his AWFUL haircut fixed... I will get a photo of it and post it coz its actually so funny, (He did it himself) have a little waste of time around town then go to the Hosptial at lunch! By wednesday we will have a baby!!!!

Well that is about it, my last blog as a pregnant person! No doubt I won't be writing for the next week or so, I'm sure the blog will be the last thing on my mind! but I will be able to write a big exciting one all about my little girl! I will finally be able to have my perfect little family join our BIG family! who of course I should thank now for always being there for us and being so supportive! we love you all for it =]

So I guess I'll end it there, Im so excited I could find things to ramble on about for days! I'm sure You will all hear the news as soon as anything happens :)
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Suprise suprise, No baby! but I am still having cramps, they havent changed much tho still very irregular and seem to getting further apart, they aren't hurting much either so I guess I'll just wait and see... So last night wasn't so bad, we ended up going out, Kieran booked dinner at 8 at a nice resraurant, although he did bring his friends alonfg it was a nice night, We missed the movies and the video shop was shut by the time we got there so we jsut went to bed, we got up and went for breakfast, we were going to go to the beach but kieran only packed jeans so we came home, it's still so hot here but more muggy than anything, luckly we have the aircon in mum and dads house. We are heading out home for the afternoon as Kieran wants to mow the lawn, not exactly the weekend i was expecting but thats ok!
Well thats about all thats happening for us, I'll keep you posted
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran


Well I'll use this time to update whats going on,
5:45pm- Still having cramps but they are getting worse through my back, I dont think its going to be tonight but maybe just maybe tomorrow? but for all i know it still might not be for ages! As for tonights plans we were suppose to spend this weekend together as our little 2some before it becomes the 3 of us... But in typical Kieran way of doing things, he spent the day with the boys at work then in Frankland, then invited them out for dinner with us and made plans to go to the movies to watch Jackass! which we watched last week. so I changed plans and made new reservations for all of us for dinner, told kieran, and ofcourse he is running late so looks like Hungry jacks for us- Kierans specialty when it comes to things that are important to us, Well me anyway.
so for now me and beanie will just wait, see what these contractions are doing! and see if kieran ever turns up...
Ill keep you posted, maybe I will be writing from the hospital next time??!

Friday, November 19, 2010

20/11/2010- Labour?!?!??!

10:15am- So as  i was getting ready to jump in the shower i had a cramp in my tummy that felt like i had pulled a muscle, it hurt a bit but was pretty mild, it lasted around 15 seconds, then went, i had these every 5 to 10 minutes after that. Im not sure if they are contractions, so I'll keep writing thoughout the day and see what happens!

11:30am-  Still having the cramps, although they are very irregular, some are 5 minutes apart and some are up to 25 minutes apart, i havent bothered to time them or anything yet. they are not to painful but very noticeable! I messaged Kieran to let him know, he will be excited! I said not to come home from work tho because I dont think much is going to happen yet!

12:15pm-  Kieran rang, no mention of the message about the cramps, so I ask him if he got it, His reply was, "Oh yeah i got it, so what have you been up to?" Not the reaction I was hoping for! I guess not so excited then, Not much has changed still a few pains, and moving through my back a bit more now, nothing regular or to painful.

12:45pm- Have a sharp pain down my right side of my tummy, coming and going but with not much time in between, Im thinking she might just be leaning on me, still no change with the cramps tho. Knowing my luck its going to be nothing!

3:00pm  Well I went through a patch of nothing there, for maybe an hour or so, but they are back! getting a little more painful now but still nothing bad at all, Fingers crossed! Kieran is still not home from work! he has finished but he has to go from Kojonup to  frankland to home then back to town so he will be a while yet! Then we are off to albany for dinner and maybe a movie, I can't qhite wrap my head around he fact that this is our last weekend ever without being parents!

3:45pm-  So not alot has changed all day, the cramps are still here but are only a little more painful than they were this morning, and no closer together or more regular, so i guess I better wrap it up here, I'll write on a bit of paper if things start to progress and add to the blog! Wish me luck!

xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran

Hospital trip

Well I went to the hospital at Lunchtime on Friday, she checked my blood pressure and the normal stuff like that. She then tried to do a membrane sweep, but I haven't dialated at all so she couldn't. But good news is she has turned around so she isn't lying prosterior, yay for no more back aches and a less painful labour! it was funny coz the other night I had a real back ache and I could feel her moving alot, Doc said I probably felt her turning around :) she also said her head is NEARLY engaged, as it bloody should be by now!

After the appointment she told me I had to go to Albany hospital for a CTG scan, which just involved getting a few bands around my tummy that monitored her heart rate and movement over a 45 minute period, just to make sure she is doing ok spending extra week in my tummy, If the results came back that she was stressed or something wasn't right, they would make the decision to get her out sooner. So I rang Kieran and he got off work at 3, took forever to get home, then my car wouldn't work! (Great the last thing we need, an unreliable car with a baby!) so thats more money on the stupid thing we need to spend! so he walked to the shop and got mum and dads car, by the time we got to albany it was 6:00 but the midwife was lovely and put us in a room to get checked. it was scary watching her heart and my contractions (most likely braxton hicks as i haven't felt anything) we freaked out everytime her heart would go to fast or to slow but they assured us that is what they wanted to see, she is perfectly happy and healthy in there! so good to hear :) then off home, well to mum and dads, then dad took Kieran out to home at 4:30 this morning so he could get his ute and get to work!

I am booked in to be induced on Tuesday now rather than Monday as they were booked out, I guess this is a good thing as it gives me more time to come into labour naturally before actually being induced, but it could also mean nothing will happen and I have to wait the extra day! so we are going to go out tonight and have a nice weekend together as just us, before we are officially a family! (unless she decides to come before, she probably will now we have made plans!) then Kieran will work monday and a run on tuesday, then we will go to Albany, have a nice lunch together then off to the hospital, Doc said that if she puts the gel on to induce me at about lunch time, chances are the baby will be here wednesday some time, she said its not too common to have her the day I get induced, especially being my first baby, so she said she will induce me, give me a sleeping pill and let me get a good night's sleep in preperation of the next 24 hours!

Well thats about everything that is happening, Will let you know if anything happens in the meantime!
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran


 13 weeks I was so excited! " Oh my god Kieran get pictures of how big it is!"

 17 weeks, thr first time someone I didn't know, felt comfortable to ask about my pregnancy, I was so excited! "She could tell im pregnant!"

 24 weeks "Im so fat! i swear she can't grow anymore?!"
HAHAHAHA if only I knew then....

32 weeks, again, thinking surely this is it? I won't get any bigger. Wrong, again.

 37 weeks, Feeling huge, this was about the time I got sick of being pregnant and
wanted her out already!

 40 weeks and 3 days, thinking, Hoping more to the point, that this would be my last picture!

40 weeks and 6 days! (Yesterday) again hoping this will be my last picture, I still am, If not there will be 1 more just before i get induced then no more big tummy!... well not one with a baby in it anyway!
I have woken up feeling very nervous about today... I think the reality of actually having the baby has hit me, before it was kind of like, Im pregnant- take baby home get use to all of that then a bit of a blank spot for labour, now i guess its hit me, I WILL go into labour and it WILL be by monday... I am going inot the hospital today to get a mambrane sweep to try and move things along, I wish Kieran could of come with me but he has to work, same as tomorrow :( but only half a day, I would of loved our last weekend as just us to be the whole weekend but like we talked about, if he wants to take time off to spend with me and Beanie when she gets here, he has to work as much as possible before hand to make sure we can afford it. I couldn't sleep last night, Maybe I was thinking about the next few days in the back of my mind but I had so much energy! I kept waking Kieran up to talk to me, I dont think he was very impressed with that, poor boy I should of let him sleep considering we are in for such a hot day and he will be copping the heat in a shed! I get to lounge about the house with the air con. So as usual i woke up when Kieran got up for work, made a bacon sanga and watched some tv, then went back to bed and had a big sleep in!... Well thats the day so far I'll write how the hospital visit went.
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So, Of course, another day without the baby! this makes me 40 weeks and 5 days!  I had bad lower back pain last night and thought that maybe it would be the night that i wake up all excited with the baby coming, But nooo, infact i had the best sleep i have in ages! after dinner i went for a walk, Kieran stayed on the couch being a lazy bum, then when i came home he gave me a massage then we went to bed at about 8 or so! i slept all night woke up for 2 minutes when Kieran said goodbye to go to work then fell back asleep until 9. beautiful :). So yesterday i went out for lunch with Erryn, one of my friends, we went to the bretzle and had chips and gravy, lovely but it was so hot yesterday! i didnt realize until i started walking to town (From mum and dads) so jeans and a long sleeve shirt was a bad idea! but that was about the excitement of yesterday, nothing much else happened, we came home and watched youtube videos for a long time. Today has been very uneventful, mum and dad have the day off so mum has been busy cleaning and dad frolicking about the shed doing god knows what. Josh is getting better, turns out to of been a bad tummy bug. Kieran is finishinging at the shed he has been at all week, so he will hopefully be home soonish, he seems to be happy about finishing there as the shed is a shit box apparently, He has been good a bit exhausted after yesterday in the heat, and getting a nail go into his thumb! nothing a bit of detol and a bandaid can't fix :) Im feeling a bit nervous about tomorrow, going to the hospital for the start of being induced... I wish Kieran could come with me. It's a strange feeling, Im so excited to have her come but i'm so scared aswell! fingers crossed that she comes herself because I decided to do some research on being induced and the main thing i got from it was how much it hurts! but im gonna stay positive, there is a purpose behind the pain.
So that seems to be about everthing happening so far! Keep you posted
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran

Me at 40 weeks and 4 days :) getting far far to big!
Wont be long until I have baby pics up!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Suprise suprise still no baby... Very sick of waiting! Fingers crossed she decides to come today. Being very bored with my days of sitting on the couch doing Tafe and cleaning the house, I decided to go to work yesterday with mum and dad, I had the same conversation with every single customer... "When are you due?"  "Last Saturday"  " Oh thats ok I/My daughter/ My mum/ My friend/ was so many days late and this happened and that happened...blah blah blah! "  Or "oh your late! that means your having a boy!" Hell no I better not be! not with a purple room and hundreds of cute little girl clothes! I think i know everyone in Mount Barker's birth story by now! But i guess it could be worse, everyone is being very helpful and positive I was so scared of all the judgement i would cop for being a young mum but no one has said anything, Not to me anyway :). I decided to go and see the owner of the health shop to see if she had any hippy ways of bringing on labour ( I did say im willing to try anything!) she gave me a massage oil that is for using when you are acctually in labour, and she said it contaions all the oils that you arent suppose to go near earlier in the pregnancy because they can bring labour on... Perfect for me! so Kieran gave my back and tummy a big rub with that last night, ill keep using it and see how we go! As for kieran, he is busy at work and loving it, they decided to have a big seafood cook up for lunch today and everyone was bringing something to cook, Kieran was in charge of yabbies so we went and chucked in the nets last night, Kieran go up at 4.30 so he could go and get them before work only to find them all empty! Poor boy :( Im sure they will forgive him tho! Yesterday morning I met the wildlife carrer at the vets to take my Rupey, We were so upset to see him go, but she told me we can go visit him and she can keep us updated. He will be happier there im sure :) Hmm what else, Josh (My brother) got very sick yesterday and was rushed to the emergency room in Albany hospital with suspected appendicidise, thankfully all results came back with good news and they think it is just a bad flu or viral infection.
Well thats about all for now, I will put the pictures of Rupert up on here as they didnt work last time!
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran

All snuggled up after his bottle

Yum yum yum :)

Sound asleep in the couch with me xx

Rupert having a play in the loungeroom

Sunday, November 14, 2010


ITS THE 15TH and still no baby! this is getting cruel! I just want her here right now! the size of  my tummy is beyond a joke, I cant sleep at all i have terrible back ache and i want to ride my horses! so that means she has to hurry :) Yesterday we had a good day Kieran had alot of wood to do so him and his friend steven went and did that all day, whicle me and Jazmin went and saw a friend and her new Puppy, we then went to Albany and watched Jackass 3D which was good, ten spent the night at mum and dads, where im staying until this bloody baby makes an appearance! Rupert is going well, he is eating lots and is getting use to all the people being around him, we have been warned my lots of people that once they get bigger the boys normally turn on their owners and can attack, and we thought of the risk of him making the baby sick so we made the very sad decision to give him to a wildlife carrer, so he is going there tonight :( its supprising how attatched you can get to them in a few days! but its for the best. Kieran is back at work for a busy week after having half of last week off due to wet sheep so he is happy to be back working and making lots of money! I had a big clean of the house and we had the boys out for 1 night and the place is a mess again! so tonight we will go home and get it sorted, its not to bad jsut want all the rooms vaccumed.
Well other than that, not alot is going on for us, Hopefully next time i write i will of had miss Beanie!
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran

 Here are some Pictures of Rupert! he is very cute :) will miss the little fella xxx

Friday, November 12, 2010


13th of November... the date we have been counting down to for the last 40 weeks is finally here! and nothing is happening... not a single twinge of a contraction, no waters breaking... This baby is never going to get here! mind you its only 1 pm so maybe, maybe she will suprise us! My last doctors appointment on Thursday went well i guess, she said the way my pelvis is shaped seems to be stopping her from moving down any further, and to go to the hospital in barker on next friday for a check, then Sunday night we will go to Albany hospital to be induced... so Im really hoping it happens naturally for me! but im not holding my breath, we havent been waisting any time with sleeping as Kieran got me a pet joey on Thursday night which need feeds every 4 hours so i guess this is good practice for us! he is very cute, named Rupert (Roo-pet... Pet-roo...Kieran thinks it hillarious) he is a bit of a handfull as he is still a bit scared of us and crys for his mum sometimes, which breaks my heart! we are still waiting to see weather we can cope with the baby and Rupert at the same time, or we will give him to a carer, so its a bit scary to get attatched. We had Beth, Charlotte and Rosie come for a quick visit yesterday afternoon, the girls were very excited to see Rupert and the horses, but they didnt stay for long as they were on their way to Albany for the show which is way more exciting than our boring house! Me and Kieran then went out for dinner at the pub which was lovely, although every single person in there had questions about the baby! I think i will get a shirt made saying NO BABY YET, YES IM EXCITED, YES WE WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN SHE IS BORN, that should cover the conversation!
Well better get going and feed Rupert, Keep you posted!
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wednesday 10/11/2010

Wowweeee Only 3 days left! i cant believe it is finally so close but seems as though it will never actually happen! I am so so exhausted but cant wait to have her with us :) I have my final (hopefully) doctors appointment tomorrow, luckly we have had so much rain kieran has wet sheep tomorrow so he has the day off anyway, He is shearing today in Koji so he is enjoying that :) hmm not a lot else is happening, will do a big fat tidy up tonight at home, get the horses back into their paddock, cook up some food to freeze, then we will be all ready for when she arrives! Well thats all that has happened since yesterday...
xxx Courtney Beanie and Kieran

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuesday 9/11/2010

Well here we go again! i have forgotten to write for a very long time haha,  but not alot has happened so far in the way of the baby exept my last doctors appointment went down the line of basically WOW this baby has a huge head!... oh your pelvis is very shallow, that might make things a bit difficult... Yepp she is definaltly spine to spine... i think you will be having a cesarian. she wants me to come into labour naturally and see how i go, but everything is against me at the moment! so she will keep an eye out for an un progressive labour. I know i have been saying this for the last few weeks but SURELY i cant get any bigger! there is just no room in there for her anymore! I cant wait for her to come we are very excited to meet her :) Last night we cleaned the house from top to bottom just in case she comes soon, and then came and stayed in town, Kieran has been working lots, although he had last Thursday off to come to my appointment, he is loving work, and he is shearing today which is good, give him something different to do! On saturday we went to Albany to pick out a new lounge suite which we have decided to buy eachother for christmas yay :) hmm what else has been going on... mum and dad are getting very busy in the shop coz of christmas and school orders for next year, Josh got his loan approved to buy his new house so he moves in on the 6th of December. And that seems to be about everything that has been happening worth writing about!
xxx Courtney, beanie and Kieran