Friday, September 17, 2010

Finally saturday! 18/9/10

Well, ill start where i left off,
I wasn't feeling right all day on thursday so mum took me down to the hospital rather than waiting for my doctors appointment, 2 and a half hours of sitting in the waiting room with magazines from may 2001 i finally got seen! luckly the doctor who was on call happened to be my obsterician so i told her what had been happening and she said it seems to be  my 'show'! so im hoping beanie holds out for a while! Kieran worked all ady still busy busy so he stayed out home and a stayed in town again on my own :( couldn't wait to get home and see him! Friday was a great day, Me and Bec went to albany for the day, we bought everything we needed for the baby shower and went out for lunch at Cossies, I also got Kierans anniversary present which he will love! (I hope) I cane home last night to spend the night with Kieran which was great :) but the house is a pig sty! and we had nothing to eat for dinner so we cooked up bacon and ate that! We fell asleep nlate but i woke up at 2 and couldnt manage to get back to sleep so me and kitten had a snuggle and a play until morning, Kieran has gone now to chop wood which he has alot to do and i caught up on some sleep. now to prepare for the baby shower!

My tummy when it first started to show at 13 weeks

My tummy now at 32 weeks!

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