Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Suprise suprise still no baby... Very sick of waiting! Fingers crossed she decides to come today. Being very bored with my days of sitting on the couch doing Tafe and cleaning the house, I decided to go to work yesterday with mum and dad, I had the same conversation with every single customer... "When are you due?"  "Last Saturday"  " Oh thats ok I/My daughter/ My mum/ My friend/ was so many days late and this happened and that happened...blah blah blah! "  Or "oh your late! that means your having a boy!" Hell no I better not be! not with a purple room and hundreds of cute little girl clothes! I think i know everyone in Mount Barker's birth story by now! But i guess it could be worse, everyone is being very helpful and positive I was so scared of all the judgement i would cop for being a young mum but no one has said anything, Not to me anyway :). I decided to go and see the owner of the health shop to see if she had any hippy ways of bringing on labour ( I did say im willing to try anything!) she gave me a massage oil that is for using when you are acctually in labour, and she said it contaions all the oils that you arent suppose to go near earlier in the pregnancy because they can bring labour on... Perfect for me! so Kieran gave my back and tummy a big rub with that last night, ill keep using it and see how we go! As for kieran, he is busy at work and loving it, they decided to have a big seafood cook up for lunch today and everyone was bringing something to cook, Kieran was in charge of yabbies so we went and chucked in the nets last night, Kieran go up at 4.30 so he could go and get them before work only to find them all empty! Poor boy :( Im sure they will forgive him tho! Yesterday morning I met the wildlife carrer at the vets to take my Rupey, We were so upset to see him go, but she told me we can go visit him and she can keep us updated. He will be happier there im sure :) Hmm what else, Josh (My brother) got very sick yesterday and was rushed to the emergency room in Albany hospital with suspected appendicidise, thankfully all results came back with good news and they think it is just a bad flu or viral infection.
Well thats about all for now, I will put the pictures of Rupert up on here as they didnt work last time!
xxx Courtney, Beanie and Kieran

All snuggled up after his bottle

Yum yum yum :)

Sound asleep in the couch with me xx

Rupert having a play in the loungeroom

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