Thursday, November 25, 2010

Welcome to the world Olivia Rose xxx

I should be sleeping but I think im still on a high, Our baby girl finally arrived and it was an experience to say the least! Im not to keen to tell the whole story yet as it was a bit traumatic, but from getting my waters broken at 8:30 am on the 24th of November, getting to 4 cm with the shower and gas and air, asking for the eppidural, having that only half work... more gas and air, Lots of pushing, emergency c section baby born at 6:41pm, something goes wrong when sewing back up, I finally meet my baby an hour later, she was in the good hands of her father who was so amazing through the whole ordeal, The look on his face when he held her makes my heart melt they adore eachother, she lays there staring at him while he stares straight back, love at first sight! i think she may be a daddys girl! she is so beautiful, so big! she weighed 8 pound 9 ounces at birth and 51cm long, Named Olivia Rose Allison, We have both bonded really well with her over the past 24 hours she hardly cries, settles very quickly, feeds well and puts up with everyone having a cuddle, she is perfect.

Well im gonna make the most of her sleep, I will fill you in and lots of photos soon as!
xxx Courtney Olivia and Kieran

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to meet her. :)
    I can't wait, she sounds perfect.
